Old Town Emmet Farm Market 2020 vendors Dorothy Mills - Dirty Knees Gardens 231-347-3434 Garden Produce - baked goods, jellies, craftsBee’s & Trees Julie & John Davis Julie Davis 231-393-6159 John Davis 231-330-1918 149 jfdbees@gmail.com first_do_no_harm@yahoo.com Honey - Maple SyrupChuck Bricker - For the Birds 231-347-8926 Bird Houses & Lawn OrnamentsHickman Farms - Steve Hickman 231-347-6838 2813 Vegetables, FruitDonna Keen Cozy Keen Farm 231-838-0386 Vegetables, sheep products, yarn, soaps, jamsSuzanne Frisk Later in season 231-347-4679 Knitting & Sewing Summit View Farm #3 Adam Dobrowolski - Dana 231-348-8306 / 231-373-4015 e-mail: adobrowo@hotmail.com Fresh Produce Strawberries, lettuce, peas, tomatoes, beans, ect. Baked Goods, Maple & Honey products, Pasture raised chicken eggs in fallBeverly Guregian Beverlyanns Jewelry 989-260-2035 or 989-739-2668 e-mail: ladieanne@yahoo.com Website: beverlyannsjewerly.com Natural Stone Jewelry - Specializing in turquoise & Southwest design. Also fossils & Michigan Copper. All created by myselfJanice Shackleford 231-881-8787 wreaths Joy Compo with Janice Shackleford Joyful Fire Remedies and Kumunalu 231-330-6061 organic body lotion, candles, face masks, essential oils, shampoo, facial oil, hand sanitizer, with wrap crystal jewelry, orgonite pendants, colloidal silver, organic herbal tea, herbal supplements e-mail: wasosh1999@gmail.comTammy Cymbalski Tammy’s Chicken Farm 231-881-9896 e-mail: mtcym1992@gmail.com baked goods, bread, sweet breadCarol Umlor & Wanda Poleshuk Carol - 231-373-4005 Wanda 231-582-5337 knitted and crocheted hats, sweaters ect. Terri Hazzard 231-489-9175 fresh chicken eggsHarbor Bags Elaine Pontius 231-526-2083 Hand & Tote BagsMade in Michigan Cecila Russell 231-347-0993 - cell 330-3273 11720 stone itemsTraci & Dan Clark 231-622-8991 cards, jewelry, jam, herbs, art My TCBD Kelly Young 231-495-9885 e-mail: mytcbd@yahoo.com Website: www.mytcbd.com Industrial Hemp mixed with MCT oil and lotion basesLinda’s Lampwork Linda Wiseley 989-909-0001 e-mail: linda_wiseley@hotmail.com handmade glass lamp work beadsPetoskey Custom Coatings LLC Zack Goodwin 231-881-1343 e-mail: petoskeycustomcoatings@gmail.com Website: petoskeycustomcoatings.com Forged items including knives, ornaments, cooking utensils, key rings, tools, ect.Indian River Roasting Co. Peter Ryan 517-582-9589 - 517-402-3300 e-mail: peter.ryan@northerngroundsllc.com, or caitlin.ryan@northerngroundsllc.com Website: cuppalifeir.com Gails Watercolor Gail Passino 586-549-7205 e-mail: cgpassino@yahoo.com